Provision For the Vision Is Coming

As 2022 comes to a close I’ve been taking time to reflect on the past year & what God is saying for 2023 and beyond…

This is a specific word for those who’ve been contending for quite some time—even years—for the personal prophetic word (𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑉𝐼𝑆𝐼𝑂𝑁) God has given you. He is saying

Your heavenly inheritance is being released to you now—the provision for the vision I gave you IS ON THE WAY!

You have been tested in the furnace of affliction. You’ve continued to sow good while suffering yourself—you never allowed your circumstances to stop you from giving and showing kindness…

You’ve come through the refiner’s fire. you’ve been purged and purified to the gold standard NEEDED in order to accomplish the strenuous task of building ahead of you!

You’ve held fast & strong to what you already had, and to that which I released to you as you were walking through the fire. You’ve even been attacked by witches, warlocks, & spiritual bullies. I saw everything! Way to stand your ground! I am so proud of you! Congratulations!


This is not the time to stop waging war with the prophetic word I gave you, press into me all the more. The year 2023 and beyond will be a time of reclamation of what the enemy has stolen, AND accelerated & FOCUSED growth for you—it will be like warp speed…


It’s EXTREMELY important that you write down the vision I gave you (if you haven’t already) and MAKE. IT. PLAIN! It doesn’t have to be fancy, or formal—a simple vision board will do. Bring it to me for final approval & instructions on how to move forward.

As you stay in communion with me I will take away the fatigue of last season's battles and renew your strength for the task ahead. You will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow tired, & you will lift your wings & rise up close to me like an eagle rising toward the sun!

Be excited, and encouraged because though this vision has certainly tarried, and the wait has seemed PAINFULLY long it WILL surely come to pass—post haste!

Psalm 66:10-12

Habakkuk 2:2

Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 48:9-11
