There is such an INTENSE outcry—a DEEP GROAN—for righteous justice among God’s people in the land! So many horrible atrocities are taking place in homes, communities, churches, and the shepherds are not dealing with it. God is not pleased. 

 El Shama—the God who HEARS—has heard the cries of His people, and because His Word is alive and active I heard the Word very plainly say… 

 “Will He not bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night, and will He delay long for them?” (Luke 18:7 NASB) 

 As the hammer of justice comes down on behalf of Zion (in this context dwelling place of God) remember EVERY move of God is MOTIVATED by His love—He is such a good father that He is not willing any should perish, so His justice here is to bring about reconciliation & repentance.  

 As the spirit of God begins to move mightily in the land to bring forth justice—your lost loved ones will come POURING out of the kingdom of darkness and into the GLORIOUS, MAGNIFICENT Kingdom of God! Hallelujah!  

 To those who have remained faithful and continued to be obedient, and submissive to Holy Spirit regardless of the warfare happening in your own personal lives YOU MUST (if you haven’t already) set in place your heavenly triage centers to receive the influx of souls needing healing, help, teaching, discipleship, and guidance! Don’t delay.  

 Warriors take your rightful seat in SHALOM as you watch safely from the shelter of the Most High as Psalm 91:8 begins to unfold in the land.


Don’t Quit Now.


Provision For the Vision Is Coming